New Year Wish Of A Patriot

Happy New Year my fellow Malaysians and to all my readers from all over the world. We have to endure yet another year under the evil and deceptive rule of corrupt politicians and hopefully this may be the last and than we can have a truly Happy New Year in 2011. My wish for the New Year would be that in this New Year of 2010 we find our New Nation a Nation that is a real Democracy a new nation that respect and honour the rights of its people, where there is true Justice, Freedom and a Clean and Efficient government that is sincerely out to serve its people. May we be rid of the decepticons of politicians that is out to deceive the people and country, that they are there through their devious and cunning mind and are actually thieves and robbers out to serve their own greed for power and money. May these evil politicians die a thousand deaths in hell for oppressing, cheating and robbing the people and the nation and thus causing much sufferings to the general populace. May the truth b...