Malaysianspeak- Lah

Definition: A Manglish particle used primarily at the end of sentences to affirm a point or statement. Also to add weight to a sentence not unlike an exclamation mark. Malaysian Usage: i) Ya lah ii) No lah iii) Economy bad lah iv) Petrol price down lah v) Go mamak lah vi) Virtually with anything Example: a) He's getting married lah. No more crazy nights out already. It's parenthood and Pampers for him now lah! b) Yeah lah, she's like that one. You can't save a damsel who likes her distress lah. c) Your fault lah! Who asked you to come late? Conclusion Lah is ubiquitously used in the Malaysian lexicon. Much like other Malaysian phrases or colloquialisms, its usage can be varied to signify diverse emotions, connotations or expressions. If you are unfamiliar with the use of Lah, observe how real Malaysians incorporate it into daily conversations before attempting it. Otherwise you run the risk of sounding obnoxious. Or French. Same thing really.