Cosmos-Have you ever wonderd

before reading any further i would like you to ask yourself, are you alone? no idiot, i didnt mean in the room, just think are you alone in this universe.... i think not....but what the heck is that to do with our life? nothing in particular to be honest, but i took some time from my helter-skelter life to wait, stand, look up, watch those beautiful stars up there. arent they beautiful ! but wait, before i get caught in there charm, i ask myself, where are they? who are they? why are they up there and so small? answer to these question are also with a 5yr old child, who knows the nursery rhyme "twinkle twinkle little stars" he knows "it up above the world so high", so do we, but how much 'above' arent you intrigued by this large distance, aren't you fascinated by the awesomeness of those blinking things. lets start from base. for those who aren't/weren't a science student, light travels at 299,792,458 m/s aprox:300,000,000 m/s or 30,00,000 km/s i...