Silence , belongs to all of us — it is who we are; it is what we are. If we are going to bring true healing to our world, we are going to have to learn to live within this essence... silence. I am not saying silence as the absence of the daily noise around you, i mean the pure silence within you,silence which is with you, the core of your being.In Silence, we open to life and life opens to us, life reaches towards us and touches us in the centre of our heart. The Silence beyond words, the Silence of mystery, the Silence of the soul, of the heart,Silence which knows the present moment.Knowing such Silence is knowing ourselves. This Silence is the real teacher,Knowing your Self is freedom. Silence is within our breath. It is there like music between our thoughts. It is the light within our eyes.It is in the rhythm of waves, in the innocence of children, it is within the kindness of one person to another. If we touch life through Silence, life touches us back, intimately, sensually. Throu...