Vinayagar Chaturthi

Shuklambaradharam Vishnum Shashivarnam Chaturbhujam Prasannavadanam Dhyaayeth Sarvavighnopashantaye He who is attired in a white garment Who is all-pervading and has the complexion of the moon Who has four arms and a bright and gracious countenance On him we mediate for the removal of obstacles Creation has no beginning nor end. It is anaadi, eternal and a day of brahma was to dawn anew following the long night. Though this still night suddenly emerged a beautiful sound, a powerful sound, the mind-blowing OM*. In this new age, called the Shwetavaraha Kalpa , the Great God had appeared in the form of OM were followed by a beautiful soft light, the first dawn heralding a new Sun. The Ganapatya Cult(which was later absorbed into Hinduis,) believes that OM or the Pranava Mantra as this symbol of God is called, is embodied in the form of Ganesha , also commonly known as Ganapati or Vinayaka. He is the first word , Vaak, the First Cause. According to this cult, with the sound of OM resoundin...